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Basic Environment Act Analysis and national environmental protection plan compilation

The maintenance of ecological balance and environmental protection, along with the pursuit of sustainable development are a global trend as well as the responsibility of every generation. To enhance the quality of environment effectively, the Environmental Protection Administration(EPA) has accomplished the compilation of the“National Environmental Protection Plan” on July 2,1998. As the foundation of environmental protection policy in short, medium and long term. Further more, in order to accommodate global trend and intergrated related environmental law, the EPA promulgated the “Basic Environment Act”on November 19, 2002, being the root of national environmental protection. In view of the “Basic Environment Act” and the “National Environmental Protection Plan” was formulated due to the environmental situation at that time and are no longer suitable for today. Thus the project have two subjects: (1)Analysis of the compare between Taiwan’s “Basic Environment Act” and those from other countries, digging deeper thorough the articles to find out what are the important issues, (2)Assemble and study the informations, the subjects, the environmental situations, plus the suggestions from government or specialis about the “Basic Environment Act” from overseas, compilation a brand new version of the “National Environmental Protection Plan” that suitable for the global trend and current environmental problems, with suggestions for the future development.
Basic Environment Act, Environmental Protection Plan, Environmental Indicator